Master Jared Rosenthal (Sa Bom Nim) has been training in the art of Soo Bahk Do (Tang Soo Do) since the age of seven years old.
Master Rosenthal continues to attend Regional, National and International events to further his personal growth and for the development of Oregon Moo Duk Kwan.
Carly Burris Sa Bom Nim began her Soo Bahk Do (Tang Soo Do) training as a young child in Mount Vernon, Washington and earned her 1st Dan at the age of fifteen. In 2012, after a twenty-year break, she resumed her training. She moved to Oregon and joined OMDK in 2013. In 2015, she earned her Kyo Sa (International Instructor Certification). In 2021 she successfully completed the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa, the weeklong examination for 4th Dan and master instructor certification (Sa Bom). Burris Sa Bom Nim continues to actively participate in both regional and national events.
Tyler Baker began training in Soo Bahk Do at OMDK in 2011 and was promoted to 1st Dan in 2014. He was awarded Sa Bom certification in 2024 and has enjoyed participating in regional, national and international events.
Kyle Kacmarek began his Soo Bahk Do training in California and continued in North Carolina. He joined OMDK in 2019 and achieved instructor certification in 2023. He currently assists with the Adult & Teen Program.